Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Living Simply

Yesterday was Pancake Day and I'd kinda forgotten, given that it was one of those days when you're first in the office and last out. So, having missed out on the pancakes, I was reminded by G that of course you're meant to give something up for Lent.

But it reminded me of the thing with diets is that by focussing on what you're meant to be giving up, you're missing the point that suddenly not eating that mars bar with your eleven am coffee is more likely to make you give up sooner or later as you're just taking the pleasure out of your life.

So rather than giving something up for Lent, I've been inspired by the Live Simply idea, originally found on the Live Simply website, but the concepts isn't restricted to one faith. In fact, if you strip out the whole question of faith, it's still fundamentally about justice and fairnes in our dealings with others.

Which is a lot more positive than just giving up chocolate for a few weeks.

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